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NDSM Docklands Amsterdam

Masterplan, urban redevelopment strategy and development guide lines for the NDSM shipyard in Amsterdam. The project was partly done while working at de Architekten Cie.


The NDSM Docklands was in the 20th century one of the most modern and largest shipyards in the world until it went bankrupt in 1984. The docklands are currently listed as a national heritage treasure and consists of many heritage items and public space structures. In the 90s the old buildings and slopes were occupied by artists. Slowly a thriving creative community developed. The introduction of events and festivals made it at the beginning of this century one of the creative hotspots of Amsterdam.


Now, a new phase has started. A significant amount of program is projected, which will turn NDSM into a vibrant urban neighbourhood. The urban framework respects the historic structures and is developed around the artist community and existing initiatives. The largest 'shared space' area of Amsterdam, stretching from the ferry landing to Buiksloterham allows festivals and other events to remain.


Through its density, parking strategy and focus on pedestrian and bicycle accessibility NDSM will be one of the most healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods of Amsterdam.


For more information:

Housing: min. 300.000 m2  (2400-4800 dwellings)

Creative hotspot: 23.000 m2 (200 studios)

Culture: 19.000 m2

Offices: max. 244.000 m2

Retail: 22.000 m2

Parking building 1: 600 places

Parking building 2: 1.900 places

Marina: 350 boats

6000 inhabitants

8900 work places

32 hectare





City of Amsterdam

Amsterdam Waterfront BV

Mediawharf BV

de Architekten Cie.​




Urban development strategy

Plot Design Guidelines

Virtual Reality Model



Under construction


NDSM 2030: interactive 3D VR model

Collective parking structures with rooftop sports facilities 

NDSM in the 1980s

NDSM framework: a masterplan that allows maximum flexibility to adapt to future changes

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