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MO City Moscow

Masterplan for a mixed use urban district along the MKAD highway in Moscow. MO City is a neighbourhood that is built around a strong framework of streets and public spaces. 


The central plaza is unique in Moscow. It is a school and sports zone, but also an urban park. Through clever use of land and buildings, this double use makes for a unique spatial experience. The central plaza is the active heart of the plan, the waterfront is its leisure counterpart. A destination in itself, where the beach or water sports activities can be enjoyed.


The aim of the plan is to be as flexible as possible without losing the character and identity of the project. We have therefore introduced building strips which allow maximum variety and freedom in architectural infill. Applying perimeter blocks will make a clear distinction between public and (semi-)private space and clearly define street edges.





Samolet Real Estate LLC​


Site area




Housing: 641.505m2

Offices: 203.230m2

Retail and public facilities 31.150m2



de Architekten Cie.



Under construction

1. Key connections

2. Major public spaces

3. Pedestrian friendly development zones


Sports and community facilities are located at the heart of the neighboorhood

Waterfront recreation area

Insolation study: optimising solar access 

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